DI Martin Schmidt


I hold a Master's degree in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics from the Vienna University of Technology (graduation with highest distinction) and have been working as a Quantitative Credit Risk Manager within an international banking group in Austria for more than 4 years. In 2020, I joined the National Bank of Austria as an Examiner for IRB credit risk models of significant financial institutions. I have excellent programming and database (Python, R, SAS, SQL, VBA) as well as statistical/mathematical skills and gained hands-on machine learning experience during various Data Science Hackathons (amongst others: Winner of the ‘Coding Challenge on Risk Management‘ hosted by the European Central Bank).

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Web-Scraping using Scrapy (Python)


This project serves to demonstrate web scraping in Python using Scrapy on the example of Reuters News (https://www.reuters.com). URL, publication date, title and text of the news articles are stored in a pandas dataframe

Required Packages

import pandas as pd
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess

# for the sake of readability - turn off logging
import logging, sys

Scraper Classes

Any number of scraper classes can be defined here

Reuters News

class reuters_news(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "reuters_news"
    def __init__(self, dictionary, nr_pages):
        self.dictionary = dictionary
        self.nr_pages = nr_pages

    def start_requests(self):
        urls = ["https://uk.reuters.com/news/archive/euro-zone-news?view=page&page=" + \
                str(page) + \
                "&pageSize=10" for page in range(1,self.nr_pages+1)]
        for url in urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.get_press_releases)
    def get_press_releases(self, response):
        urls_to_follow = response.css('div.story-content').xpath('//a/@href').extract()
        for url in urls_to_follow:
            if url.startswith("/article/"):
                url_extended = "https://uk.reuters.com" + url
                yield scrapy.Request(url=url_extended, callback=self.get_information)

    def get_information(self, response):
        self.dictionary["date"].append(response.css("div.ArticleHeader_date ::text").extract())
        self.dictionary["title"].append(response.css("h1.ArticleHeader_headline ::text").extract())
        text_tmp = response.css('div.StandardArticleBody_body').xpath('//p/text()').extract()
        # the first (duration of reading) and the last (authors) list element are not useful

Auxiliary Functions

def convert_if_list(obj):
    This function converts a list of strings (obj) to string
        obj - list of strings
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        return " ".join(obj)
        return obj
def unlist_columns(dct):
    This function applies convert_if_list to all keys in the dictionary
        dct - dictionary of scraped data
    tmp = dct.copy()
    tmp["scraper"] = [convert_if_list(sublist) for sublist in tmp["scraper"]]
    tmp["url"]     = [convert_if_list(sublist) for sublist in tmp["url"]]
    tmp["date"]    = [convert_if_list(sublist) for sublist in tmp["date"]]
    tmp["title"]   = [convert_if_list(sublist) for sublist in tmp["title"]]
    tmp["text"]    = [convert_if_list(sublist) for sublist in tmp["text"]]
    return tmp

Main Function - Web Scraping

def crawl(scraping_class, nr_pages):
    This function performs the scraping
        scraping_class: list of scrapers
        nr_pages: list of number of pages to scrape
    Returns a dataframe with raw data from the websites
    # initialize empty dictionary, where we store the scraping results
    dict_raw = {"scraper":[], 
    # start a scrapy crawler process
    process = CrawlerProcess()
    # loop over list of scrapers and add them to the scraping process
    if isinstance(scraping_class, list):
        index_pages = 0
        for scraper in scraping_class:
            process.crawl(scraper, dict_raw, nr_pages[index_pages])
            index_pages += 1
        process.crawl(scraping_class[0], dict_raw, nr_pages[0])
    # start scraping
    # unlist list of lists to store results in a pd.DataFrame
    dict_unlisted = unlist_columns(dict_raw)
    # convert dict to dataframe 
    df_raw = pd.DataFrame(dict_unlisted).drop_duplicates()
    return df_raw


# runs around 20 seconds
df_scraped = crawl([reuters_news], [50])
scraper url date title text
0 reuters_news https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ireland-econ... February 5, 2020 / 12:18 AM / 6 days ago Irish consumer sentiment climbs to six-month high DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish consumer sentiment hi...
1 reuters_news https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ireland-elec... February 8, 2020 / 10:16 PM / 2 days ago Near tie between three main parties in Irish e... DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irish national election ...
2 reuters_news https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ecb-banks-bb... February 6, 2020 / 9:37 PM / 4 days ago ECB's de Guindos says BBVA spying case has no ... MADRID (Reuters) - European Central Bank Vicep...

(626, 5) –> data from more than 600 news articles in around 20 seconds